Zero Positives (Bel) Pleased To Meet You; demo (1989)



The ‘Zero Positives’ definitely left a mark in the late 80s/early 90s HC/punk-scene. The band of my mate Dirk ‘Scum’ Vansant got noticed, not in the least because he was very active and upfront. That’s also why I invited them for a Smurfpunx concert intended to promote Belgian HC/punk bands (91-03-23). Besides Dirk (vocals), the band consisted of Maarten Vangool (guitar), Kris Gabriels (bass) & ‘Borre’ Ronald Mens (drums). Dirk was an enthusiastic chap with lots of energy. He was the most vocal of the band and had quite outspoken political ideas (anti-speciesist e.g.). But they also were quite humourous… Read e.g. the band-presentation they did for my zine (Zero Positives in Tilt! #6). Later we also had them playing at the Vort’n Vis (91-02-23 & 92-06-13) and they were interviewed for the V.V. zine (Gash #1, 1993).

This demo – reviewed in Tilt! #5 as “fast metallish HC with grindy tendendies” – was re-issued in Poland and later on they got a couple of 7″s out (Human Meat For Sale, ’91, & Last Contribution, ’95). They also appeared on a bunch of compilations, e.g.: Rough Enough? (7″ on Vibration HardCore, ’89), X-treem Benefit (tape, ’89), Thoughts About A Depressing World (7″ on Last Scum Productions, ’90), De Puike Pogo Potpourri (tape by Geronto, ’90); etc.

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